Friday, June 30, 2017


Once a month we will email you our newsletter filled with things you won't find on our WebsiteInterviews with authors, publicists, agents,  publishers, marketers, screenwriters, tips,short stories, poems, artwork, contests, giveaways, samples, and much more.
And it is FREE! 
Simply click the link above and sign up. It's easy and quick. You can unsubscribe anytime and we will not spam you - you will hear from us once a month only. You can also catch up on back issues - the link will be in the newsletter. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Buy your copy of ALL THAT REMAINS today!

All That Remains, by Robin Melhuish, is now available for purchase in print and Kindle formats (ePub is available by request - email and we will hook you up.)

This book is engrossing and as you will read from the reviewers below; a page-turner. What you may not know is that there are TWO cover versions, one for the US and one for everyone else. You see, in Europe, any Nazi imagery is illegal. Depending where you live, you can get one of the cover editions, but not both, however the book is available worldwide.

Order TODAY in print and Kindle HERE. If you need an ePub edition, let us know.


•Deep in the Soviet Occupation Zone of defeated Germany,1945, a baby girl is born and abandoned. From the shards of the war, she discovers an uncomfortable truth. 

•The uncovering of the official lies about the capture of Himmler's Nazi fortress, leads to a hunt for the proceeds of the biggest, undetected robbery in history


“So many twists and unexpected happenings. I was only sorry when I turned the last page. A SUPER READ!”  ~ Kasia Macioszek 

"Robin intricately weaves an intellectual cast of characters against a backdrop of page-turning plots. Historians have often asked how could these atrocities have happened? Robin's book accurately explores the events, politics, and emotions that would ultimately draw a worldwide response to the unthinkable. Great book." -Natalie Hurst, News Anchor, KBOI-2 TV

“A gripping story that grasps the reader in the first few pages.  Robin has a special gift for guiding his readers through a historically accurate maze.” 
-Kurt Koontz, Author, "A Million Steps"

“This book pulls you right into the story without getting trampled with backstory before telling the tale. And what's more, it doesn't stop throughout the entire book. A fun roller-coaster ride that will keep you spellbound, I guarantee it.” -Cliff Hitchcock, Award-winning Insurance agent, and musician

"Compelling, intriguing & insightful.  A tender, yet nicely factual look at a painful piece of history." - Tracey Miller, Global Support, Riptide Sports

“So many twists and unexpected happenings. I was only sorry when I turned the last page. A SUPER READ!”  ~ Kasia Macioszek 

Order TODAY in print and Kindle HERE. If you need an ePub edition, let us know.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The June Books 'N Pieces Magazine is Ready For You


Flip page:

With each issue BNP gets stronger. Our readership as grown–which reminds me, if you have not signed up for a FREE subscription, please do so HERE, or

It is my hope that as we continue to add subscribers (free, by the way), and attract  even more notable authors, artists, photographers, and even musicians, that we will be able to include some minimal advertising for the sole purpose of being able to pay our contributors. 

"Well, don't you want to make money from advertising for yourself?" you ask. While that would be nice, I did not start BNP to be an advertising machine. I started it because I have a passion for writing and wanted to offer writers the chance to get showcased, if their work was good enough.

BNP also serves as a publicity arm of my publishing business,, another company that puts WRITERS FIRST! How? Because there is NO COST | NO RISK when you publish with us. Of course, we expect your writing to be of a high caliber to start with–we are NOT a Vanity Press–and we put our money where our mouth is; we make no money unless we can get your book to sell. We royalty share. That puts the burden on us to market your book (unlike most companies that just print it and list it on Amazon.) 

Jas T. Ward, Author 
We also work with you, a close relationship that includes lots of communication. Here is what one author that I have worked with in the past, had to say about working with me:

"“William’s suggestions and expertise were invaluable in helping me complete my first book series and become a bonafide author. He kept me informed through a process that included revisions, editing, titles, cover designs and all the other aspects of publication which he handled as a contractor for BYCT Publishing through his company Alt Publish. He was always prompt in returning emails and answering questions, professional in his suggestions and comments, and he did what he said he would do. My experience with him was highly positive and energizing, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.” 
                                                                                                             ~Jan Hill, Author, The Brylee Hawkins Series.

If you would like to submit to the July issue of Books 'N Pieces Magazine, please send your material to and we will check it out.

Lauren Jefferson, Author, Artist
We are also testing new waters, offering a full-color print version on Amazon, and introducing e-reader formats. Right now you can also download an ePub version or a PDF version (which you can view on Kindle, by the way.)

Enjoy this issue. A lot of effort went into the production. I'd like to thank Jas T. Ward and Lauren Jefferson for allowing me to interview them (watch for some big names soon), also to our contributors, Robin Melhuish, Lauren Jefferson and Mike Wells–you can visit them all from links within the publication.

Please share this link with our friends, encourage them to subscribe at  and let us know what you thought of the issue in the comments.