Robin Melhuish, the author of three novels, was born in Hertfordshire, UK in 1950. He graduated in Analytical Chemistry in 1972 before being head-hunted by a company to work in Germany. Here he deepened his childhood hobby of collecting German stamps, learning valuable lessons in German history. 

The majority of his working life was spent travelling widely in the Far East and Eastern Europe in international sales and marketing, a period that gave him time to visit historical places and meet many people. 

His time in Indonesia was particularly rewarding giving him insights into another culture. He bought a farmhouse in the Czech Republic, restored it, taking time to enjoy that country’s history.  

Finally, he decided to move to North Cyprus with his wife Yasmin, where he found the peace and tranquility to write. 

He still is an ardent history fan and keen collector of German stamps.


by Robin Melhuish
Published by: Alt Publish | May 2017

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Book Summary: It’s 1976, the Second World War has been over for more than 30 years, but still there are rumours of hidden Nazi treasures making the rounds. The recent ‘find’ of the Polish Gold Train in Wałbrzych is a prime example.
Alastair Wainwright, an Englishman, is a passionate German stamp collector. For him, the missing serif off a numeral on a stamp tells more about the history of the country than a whole heap of books.
The chance find of a letter from 1945 in an antique shop, leads him to uncover a trail of love, deceit and corruption that spanned the war years and climaxed in the meltdown of Nazi Germany. Finding a letter may not be unusual in itself, but the chances of finding the reply to that letter on Houses of Parliament notepaper is.
These two letters may be the clue to possibly solving the last big secret of the Third Reich; the German War Chest, which all but disappeared in 1945.

Watch Robin discuss ALL THAT REMAINS

Watch a BBC documentary on missing Nazi gold

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EXCERPT:   Chapter 1 : MUNICH Nov 1923   
Himmler's Ring
Saturday morning school classes were always boisterous, but today there was something different in the air. Gertrud was frantic; the school class she’d been teaching had been particularly restless, it was as if the children knew that something was happening. She was flustered, thinking about the events of last night as she hurried down the road towards the market. 
Hitler’s take-over of the election meeting had gone to plan, he had made his speech and the people had been galvanised. She wished that she’d been able to stay longer there to discuss the next moves with the Party heads, but to her frustration, she had to get home to tend to her daughter.
Since her husband had fallen in the ‘Great War’; she’d had the responsibility for the ‘accident’ from his last leave; a baby she’d never wanted. A baby which increasingly interfered with her political ambitions in the new Party of Germany. Gertrud was out of breath as she turned the corner to see Ilse, her nanny, waiting for her on the bench in the market hall. 
Unmoved at the sight of her daughter happily hunched down counting the carrots in the shopping basket, Gertrud greeted the nanny. 
‘Has she behaved this morning?’ The question was more a formality than one of interest. Ilse was used to the mother’s coldness towards her daughter. She scooped the squealing 4 year old into her arms. ‘She’s been fine, Frau Lehrerin,’ while picking up the basket with the vegetables with her free hand. ‘Do we need anything in town?’ 
‘Yes, let’s walk, isn’t what’s happening exciting?’ 
Ilse just nodded, preoccupied with juggling the child and the shopping, before giving up carrying the girl and concentrating on the vegetables. Little Anna decidedly unimpressed at being dumped, followed them, sullen faced, out into the November cold. 
Gertrud grilled the nanny for news since she’d been in school, only to be interrupted by the sound of distant of shots which caused them to freeze. ‘My god, those are shots!’ 
‘There’s a march on the parliament building, Frau Lehrerin,’ Ilse explained pulling the frightened child to the folds of her skirt.
 ‘How many went?’
 ‘Thousands I think,’ Ilse shrugged. ‘Maybe even more. They are saying that Hitler got them really wound up last night at the beer hall.’ 

Are you interested? Why not read the first half of the book FREE.
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